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Street Address *
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Primary Phone *
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Email (Applicant) *
Email (Spouse)
Passport Number (Non-U.S. Citizens)
Date/Place Passport Issued
Educational Background
Spouse's Educational Background
Please list the type of schooling and grade level for each child
Present Occupation
Spouse's Occupation
Type of License
List all languages you speak in order of fluency
Home Church
Church Full Address
Emergency Contact Name *
Phone *
Email *
Relationship *
Emergency Contact Full Address *
Why do you desire to attend the Train to Reign program, and what goals do you wish to accomplish?
How did you hear about The Inn of Last Resort?
Describe your present relationship with the Lord.
Do you have any physical/emotional disabilities? If so, please describe. Are you presently taking any medication under doctor's orders? Are you on any special diet? If so, please elaborate.
Food Allergies?
List skills, hobbies, talents (i.e. music, painting, carpentry, sports, etc.)
List anything else we should know about you and/or your family (i.e. church involvement, occupational conditions, financial status, relational concerns within your family, etc.)
Describe how you expect to meet your financial obligation for the program.
Phone *
Email *
Phone *
Email *
Phone *
Email *